101 Dimensions is a regular program that is broadcast once a week on Progzilla.com, Saturday nights at Midnight (UK). The show features progressive, electronic, ambient, fusion, and new age music, and no talking.

101 Dimensions curated by Anthony Rowsick, May 2022:

  1. Gary Numan – Resurrection; Big Noise Transmission; Dead Sun Rising; When The Sky Bleeds, He Will Come; and For The Rest of My Life (22:31) (from the album Dead Son Rising, 2011)
  2. Klaus Schulze – Mindphaser (25:37) (from the album Moondawn, 1976)
  3. Nik Turner – We Came In Peace; and Interstellar Clouds (20:21) (from the album Space Fusion Odyssey, 2015)
  4. Vangelis – Chariots of Fire (20:41) (from the album Chariots of Fire, 1982)
  5. Mike Oldfield – Crises (20:39) (from the album Crises, 1983)

RIP Klaus and Vangelis

Music with some meat to it!

Prog-Watch is a weekly podcast and internet radio program dedicated to bringing the listener contemporary Progressive Rock music from around the world. Your big, hairy host, the “Prog-Squatch” wanders the woods of the world, beats the bushes, and digs in the dirt to bring the best Prog back for YOU! Sometimes solo and sometimes with a guest host, the Prog-Squatch will bring you new and interesting artists in each episode, and give you some background info and a taste of their music.

Want More Squatch? Check him out howling into the wild with his own Progressive Rock Band, Novus. Jam some Squatch in those ears! http://novus3.bandcamp.com/releases