101 Dimensions - September 2020
I’m back at the helm of 101 Dimensions this weekend and here’s what I have lined up for our listening pleasure:
1. Aphex Twin – Phlange Phace; Dodeccaheedron; Analogue Bubblebath 1; and Metapharstic (20:51) (from the album Classics, 1995)
2. Oliver Wakeman with Steve Howe – Ages of Magick; Mind Over Matter; The Forgotten King; The Storyteller; and The Whales Last Dance (21:14) (from the album The 3 Ages Of Magick, 2001)
3. Edgar Froese – Pinnacles (21:54) (from the album Pinnacles, 1983)
4. Colin Edwin and Lorenzo Feliciati – Tin Can; Severing Suns; Bedroom Corner; and Future Echo (19:02) (from the album Twinscapes Vol. 2 – A Modern Approach To The Dancefloor, 2018)
5. Rob Harvey – Idun; and Fortitude (25:07) (from the album Rainsong, 2012)
I hope you will join me!
Until next time, be well…and Prog On!

Music with some meat to it!
Prog-Watch is a weekly podcast and internet radio program dedicated to bringing the listener contemporary Progressive Rock music from around the world. Your big, hairy host, the “Prog-Squatch” wanders the woods of the world, beats the bushes, and digs in the dirt to bring the best Prog back for YOU! Sometimes solo and sometimes with a guest host, the Prog-Squatch will bring you new and interesting artists in each episode, and give you some background info and a taste of their music.
Want More Squatch? Check him out howling into the wild with his own Progressive Rock Band, Novus. Jam some Squatch in those ears! http://novus3.bandcamp.com/releases