Lords and Ladies of Adventure! Join me on this week’s Prog-Watch for a look at the Legend of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table as portrayed in Progressive Rock music! The program will, of course, draw a bit on Rick Wakeman’s two albums dealing with the Arthurian Legend. But I’ve also found great tunes from Kayak, The Minstrel’s Ghost, Finisterre, Erik Norlander, Galahad, and Children In Paradise, which all deal with the characters and story surrounding the Legendary English King. I’ve also peppered the show with a few other references for a little comic relief, if you know what I mean (wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more)! 

Music with some meat to it!

Prog-Watch is a weekly podcast and internet radio program dedicated to bringing the listener contemporary Progressive Rock music from around the world. Your big, hairy host, the “Prog-Squatch” wanders the woods of the world, beats the bushes, and digs in the dirt to bring the best Prog back for YOU! Sometimes solo and sometimes with a guest host, the Prog-Squatch will bring you new and interesting artists in each episode, and give you some background info and a taste of their music.

Want More Squatch? Check him out howling into the wild with his own Progressive Rock Band, Novus. Jam some Squatch in those ears! http://novus3.bandcamp.com/releases