Be on the lookout for an awesome assemblage of astounding progressive rock music on this week’s Prog-Watch! We’ll hear from Frost*, Luca Zabbini, Gentle Giant, Bend The Future, Kayak, Barebone, 22 Layers, Franklin Mint, Paul Cusick, Jon Anderson, Ciccada, and Liquid Tension Experiment! As Yoda would say, “Miss it not!”
Music with some meat to it!
Prog-Watch is a weekly podcast and internet radio program dedicated to bringing the listener contemporary Progressive Rock music from around the world. Your big, hairy host, the “Prog-Squatch” wanders the woods of the world, beats the bushes, and digs in the dirt to bring the best Prog back for YOU! Sometimes solo and sometimes with a guest host, the Prog-Squatch will bring you new and interesting artists in each episode, and give you some background info and a taste of their music.