More great, new, astounding progressive sounds await on this week’s Prog-Watch! We’ll hear music from Tribe of Names, Silver Nightmares, John Holden, The Blackheart Orchestra, Glass Island, Time’s Forgotten, Adventure, and Evership! Plus, our friend and resident reviewer, Dr. Rob Fisher, will take us on a voyage of Progressive Discovery with the latest album by the US duo Imaginary Kings!
For a full review of Imaginary Kings’ Monster’s Lament visit the following link at
Rob’s website:

Music with some meat to it!
Prog-Watch is a weekly podcast and internet radio program dedicated to bringing the listener contemporary Progressive Rock music from around the world. Your big, hairy host, the “Prog-Squatch” wanders the woods of the world, beats the bushes, and digs in the dirt to bring the best Prog back for YOU! Sometimes solo and sometimes with a guest host, the Prog-Squatch will bring you new and interesting artists in each episode, and give you some background info and a taste of their music.